Hello, Enterpret Customers,

We’ve got a few product updates this month that we think you’ll definitely want to know about.

Our team has released four new features this month: CSV upload, Discord Integration, download feedback as CSV and compare aggregates.

  • The CSV upload feature allows you to upload your customer data directly into Enterpret, making it easier than ever to get started with our platform.
  • The Discord Integration feature allows you to connect your Discord account to Enterpret, so you how to leverage feedback from your community that provides valuable feedback.
  • The download feedback as CSV feature allows you to download your customer feedback data directly into a CSV file, so you can easily analyze it in Excel or another data analysis tool.
  • Finally, the compare aggregates feature allows you to compare the aggregated data from multiple customer feedback sources, so you can see how your customers' opinions have changed over time or change in opinion by customer segments.

We hope you enjoy these new features!

As always, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or feedback.

Thank you,

The Enterpret Team