Updated Dashboard filters to be more intuitive

We’ve made the Dashboard filter experience smarter and more intuitive.

  • Separate Filters: Dashboard and Quantify/Feed filters now have their own space. Manage them more easily and never mix them up again.
  • Save Your Way: When saving from a Quantify/Feed with dashboard filters in place, you decide—save them or not. Your call.
  • No More Duplicates: Dashboard filters won’t get duplicated when updating Quantify/Feed. One set of filters is all you need.

Shipped Dynamic Custom Prompts

We’ve leveled up your feedback analysis with Dynamic Custom Prompts that know what you need—without you having to ask.

Let's use the example above. Say you're digging into something like Audio issues, our smart Custom Prompts appear right when you click into the modal, giving you a head start on analysis.

In this Audio keyword example you'll see prompts like:

  • Analyze user challenges with Audio: Break down key patterns in feedback and group them into recurring themes.
  • Summarize negative feedback: Quickly highlight common complaints like connection drops and missing audio.
  • Generate actionable recommendations: Get smart suggestions on how to tackle the issues users are facing.

These prompts help you dive straight into problem-solving without missing a beat, making feedback analysis smoother and more efficient.

Unified Fields on feedback records

We’ve cleaned up your view of feedback records by showing Unified Metadata Fields (when you hide the original fields). No more confusion—just clear, merged feedback.