Rolled out the Google My Business Integration

Effortlessly unlock powerful insights from your Google My Business reviews. Enterpret's integration automatically translates reviews into English and applies advanced machine learning to detect key themes and topics. Dive deeper into your feedback by combining taxonomy-based analysis with product usage stats, customer demographics, and more. Stay ahead with real-time alerts on sudden review spikes, and make data-driven decisions to boost your business' rating and solve customer pain points.


  • Seamless one-click integration
  • Enriched reviews with Enterpret's highly accurate taxonomy
  • Supports 70+ languages
  • Analyze and visualize reviews by rating, user demographics, and trends

Expanded User Roles to provide greater control

Enterpret Admins are able to customize default user roles: Admins, Editors, Members, and Viewers for greater control. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Admins: Full access! Admins can not only edit but also control the data flowing into Enterpret and manage user access.
  • Editors: Control the insights game. Editors own the Taxonomy and metadata management to streamline insight creation. They don’t handle users or data.
  • Members: Insight consumers who can create their own artifacts and subscribe to reports but don’t have control over the Taxonomy or metadata.
  • Viewers: Read-only access. They can view and consume reports, but no artifact creation here.